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Some ground rules.

These are set and enforced by the mastodon.thenewoil.org moderators.

  1. Our most up-to-date community guidelines are available here: https://thenewoil.org/en/rules/
  2. Additional Content Standards are available here: https://thenewoil.org/en/terms-of-service/#content-standards
  3. Treat everyone equally and with respect.
  4. No form of hate speech or discrimination is allowed.
  5. No “one-size-fits-all” or “gatekeeping” behavior.
  6. No “FUD” (Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt), aka “conspiracy theories.”
  7. No “ad hominem” attacks.
  8. No illegal content, including discussions and recommendations.
  9. No doxing.
  10. No repeated advertising.